ClosureFast™ Targeted Endovenous Therapy
The ClosureFast™ procedure is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins and Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) in which a vein specialist inserts an Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) Catheter to collapse and close enlarged leg veins.* After the vein is sealed shut, blood then naturally re-routes to healthy veins.*
The ClosureFast™ Procedure: What to Expect
The ClosureFast™ catheter is inserted into the vein through a tiny incision below the knee. Guided by ultrasound imaging, the physician treats a 7 cm segment of vein with a 20-second burst of radiofrequency energy, causing the vessel to shrink around the catheter.* The physician withdraws the catheter, treating each segment until the entire length of the vein has been sealed.* An average treatment duration per average vein takes approximately three to five minutes.*
Unlike painful vein stripping surgery or laser ablation, the catheter delivers uniform, consistent heat to each segment and temperatures do not exceed 120°C.* As a result, the procedure causes less bruising and allows for rapid patient relief and recovery.* The ClosureFast™ procedure is commonly performed in an office or an outpatient setting and is covered by most health insurance.
The ClosureFast™ Procedure Advantage
Minimally Invasive
The ClosureFast™ procedure eliminates the need for groin surgery and general anesthesia.* The procedure also results in little to no scarring and is generally performed using local anesthesia in a vein specialist’s office or an outpatient surgical facility.*
Less Pain, Less Bruising, Faster Recovery
The 2009 RECOVERY Study compared the experience of patients treated with this catheter and those treated with the 980nm laser. The study demonstrated:
Less pain, bruising and complications with the catheter and faster improvement in patients’ quality of life with ClosureFast™ catheter versus laser based on a quality of life questionnaire.*
Other studies have shown that patients receiving the procedure return to normal activity and work significantly faster than those undergoing vein stripping.*
Excellent Clinical Outcomes
The ClosureFast™ procedure is performed as a medical necessity as diagnosed by a trained vein specialist. It is not designed to address spider veins or cosmetic issues. However, the successful treatment of CVI using the procedure can produce cosmetic improvements.* As with any medical procedure, you should consult your vein specialist and review all safety information associated with any procedure.